Wisdom Teeth Removal in Los Angeles

If you’re in your late teens or early adulthood and feeling growing pains in the back of your mouth, it’s likely due to emerging wisdom teeth. Mid-Wilshire dentist Dr. Daniel Adelpour might suggest removing your wisdom teeth as a preventative or remedial general dentistry treatment.

What is wisdom teeth removal?

The third molars, or wisdom teeth, are the last set of teeth that emerge in the mouth. Typically, this happens much later in life, but some people opt to have them removed before they start to cause pain, infection, and other problems. Typically, oral surgery is required for wisdom teeth removal.

Signs You Might Need Wisdom Teeth Extraction in LA

Although wisdom teeth can erupt healthily, they tend to demand attention when they do pop up. Many dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth for one of the following reasons:

  •  Wisdom tooth pain
  • Tooth impaction
  • Irregular growth
  • Inadequate room in the mouth
  • Tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral infections

Wisdom Teeth Surgery Expectations

If you’re experiencing wisdom teeth pain or suspect that you have impacted wisdom teeth, schedule a consultation with Dr. Adelpour to see if you’re a candidate for wisdom tooth extraction surgery. At this appointment, our dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth, review your health history, and answer questions you have regarding your wisdom teeth symptoms, surgery, and recovery.

On wisdom teeth surgery day, plan for:

  • A procedure that takes 45 minutes (or less)
  • Someone trustworthy to drive you home
  • Time to relax and rest afterward

Before starting surgery, Dr. Adelpour will numb the surgical site to ensure that you don’t feel any pain (potentially slight pressure) during wisdom tooth removal. Depending on how the wisdom tooth is situated in the jaw, our dentist might need to remove some gum or bone tissue blocking access to the wisdom tooth. After removing the wisdom teeth, Dr. Adelpour will stitch the wound shut so it can heal properly.

Everyone responds differently to anesthesia and sedation, but we strongly suggest electing someone else to drive you home and to avoid resuming normal activities. Responsibly follow doctor’s orders for faster wisdom teeth recovery. Also, it’s essential to understand that your mouth might take a few weeks to completely heal.

During the first few days after wisdom teeth surgery, make sure to:

  • Apply a cold compress on your face to curb swelling and bruising
  • Eat soft, temperate foods and drink plenty of fluids
  • Use a saltwater rinse to aid the healing tissue
  • Take prescriptions as directed
  • Avoid smoking, drinking with straws, and rinsing too harshly
  • Call Dr. Adelpour at 310-620-8060 if you are suffering from extensive pain, swelling, or fever

Worried About Wisdom Teeth? Contact BLVD Dental in LA

Although your wisdom teeth might bother you, place your worries about removal in the hands of Dr. Adelpour. Schedule a wisdom teeth removal consultation at our Mid-Wilshire dental office by calling 310-620-8060 or messaging us online.