
Customized Dentures
in Los Angeles, CA

If you have more than one tooth that needs to be removed (or are already missing several teeth), you likely want a tooth-replacement solution for missing teeth. At BLVD Dental Aesthetics in Mid-Wilshire, Dr. Daniel Adelpour offers an array of options that can give you back your smile, including dentures.

What is a dental extraction?

Dentures are removable replacement devices for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Typically, they have a gum-colored base that holds lifelike, synthetic teeth.

Types of Dentures

The type of dentures that you need are generally based on how many teeth are missing:

  • Partial dentures are ideal for patients with some remaining natural teeth.
  • Complete dentures are for those with an entire row or all their teeth missing.

Traditional vs. Snap-in Dentures

Aside from how many teeth are being replaced, another way to define dentures is how they attach to the smile:

  • Traditional dentures are held in place with suction or adhesive. Over time, this style of dentures can feel loose, abrasive against gum tissue, and weaken the jawbone.
  • Snap-in dentures are supported by dental implants. Unlike traditional dentures, they stay in place and keep the jawbone intact.

Signs You Might Need Dentures

You might be interested in dentures if you:

  • Are missing multiple teeth
  • Want an affordable tooth replacement option
  • Are interested in a renewed self-confidence in your appearance, chewing, and speaking capabilities
  • Don’t qualify or aren’t interested in dental implants

Denture Placement Expectations

Dr. Adelpour streamlines the denture process by offering all aspects of denture placement at our office on Wilshire BLVD.  At your initial denture consultation, Dr. Adelpour will:

  • Assess your smile and medical history
  • Perform a pain-free examination
  • Give expert recommendations for tooth replacement options
  • Discuss overall cost and financing options

Denture Repair

Dentures are not meant to last forever, but caring for them by removing them daily, storing them overnight, and using the proper cleaner can help them last longer.

Even if you’re incredibly careful with your dentures, they can chip or discolor. So, if you need to schedule walk-in denture repair in Mid-Wilshire, call BLVD Dental at 310-620-8060, and we will do our best to accommodate.

Upgrade Your Smile with Our Refined Tooth Replacement Options

Whatever your concerns, needs, or budget, the BLVD dental team can work with you to get a healthy, stunning smile once again. BLVD Dental Aesthetics offers natural-looking dentures and other restorative dentistry options. If you live in Mid-Wilshire, Beverly Hills, or surrounding areas, request a denture consultation by calling 310-620-8060 or messaging us online.