Restorative Dentistry in Los Angeles

Some have lived a lifetime of being rough with their teeth. Others simply need tooth replacement despite their best efforts. Regardless of why you need restorative dentistry, Dr. Daniel Adelpour and the BLVD Dental family can repair your teeth to reinstate function, feel, and appearance.

What is Restorative Dentistry?

Sometimes called “restoration dentistry,” restorative dentistry is the art and science of replacing missing or damaged teeth. At BLVD Dental Aesthetics, Dr. Adelpour chooses premium materials to design convincing, stunning tooth replacement options, like implant restorations and dentures. Our goal is to repair your smile so that no one knows that you have undergone restorative dentistry (except you and Dr. Adelpour’s team).

Our Refined Restorative Treatments

Here are two restoration dentistry options that our dentist offers to keep mouths healthy and fully functioning:

Restorative Dentistry FAQs

I’ve lost a tooth. What are my replacement options?

While several options are available to replace a missing tooth, Dr. Adelpour can help you decide which is best for your specific case. Our dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth, gums, and jaws at a consultation. Then, discuss your oral health needs and goals with you. After, Dr. Adelpour will review your treatment options and work with your schedule to design and implement a tailored treatment plan. In addition to dentures and dental implants, some other tooth replacement options include dental bridges and more.

How much are dental implants and dentures?

While prices vary from patient to patient, the best way to decide how much your dental implants or dentures will cost is to schedule an in-person or virtual consultation with Dr. Adelpour. Generally, dental implants cost more than dentures cost. Because of the vast price difference, dental insurance plans typically will cover some or all costs associated with dentures (but this is not the case for dental implants).

How long do dentures and dental implants last?

Dentures tend to last about a decade with proper daily care and upkeep. At some point, they likely need to be replaced. On the other hand, dental implants are intended to last for life—but the implant restoration should be replaced as needed.

Will denture or dental implant repair be necessary?

Dentures and implant-supported restorations might need repair or replacement if signs of excessive wear are showcased.

Elevate Your Smile with Dentures or Dental Implants in West Hollywood

Daily use and abuse can wear down or damage your teeth. If you have questions about restorative dentistry in Los Angeles, feel free to contact Dr. Adelpour’s team directly online or call 310-620-8060 to schedule a consultation for dentures, dental implants, and other smile-saving options.