Composite Fillings
in Los Angeles

Halitosis Treatment

If you visit the dentist for a routine dental checkup and cleaning and your dental team member tells you that you need a tooth filling, you’re not alone. Much of the population will need at least one dental filling in their lifetime. At BLVD Dental in Mid-Wilshire, Dr. Daniel Adelpour applies composite fillings for cosmetic and therapeutic benefits.

What are composite fillings?

A dental filling is a method used to restore a slightly damaged or decayed tooth. They can close gaps and fix small chips for a more aesthetically appealing smile when used for cosmetic purposes.

At BLVD Dental, Dr. Adelpour fills teeth with composite fillings, the metal-free alternative to antiquated amalgam fillings. By comparison, composite fillings are more aesthetically pleasing and similarly durable. They are made of naturally occurring, tooth-colored ceramic resin. So, they seamlessly blend in with the teeth and can last for years when applied correctly.

Signs You Might Want Composite Fillings in Mid Wilshire Los Angeles

At every dental appointment, Dr. Adelpour examines the surfaces in each tooth for defects. If you

  • You currently have an amalgam filling that you’d like to replace.
  • You want to seize damage caused by dental decay or cracking.
  • You want to preserve as much natural tooth structure as possible.
  • You want to fix minor, aesthetic flaws, like a dainty gap or chip.

Dental Filling Expectations

When getting tooth-colored fillings at BLVD Dental, we do our best to keep patients comfortable and relaxed. What happens when you get a cosmetic or cavity filling? Here’s a simplified overview:

  • Ensure patient relaxation: We numb the area using STA (single tooth anesthesia), can administer laughing gas, and provide patient comforts (such as massage chairs, blankets, and pillows).
  • Laser dentistry: Using powerful laser light, we can effortlessly remove decay and cauterize the site (all of which help prevent reinfection).
  • Etching: If needed, Dr. Adelpour will etch the tooth’s surface with an acidic gel, which helps the filling bond to the surface of the teeth and reduces the risk of leakage and decay.
  • Bonding: Our cosmetic dentist carefully applies the composite resin. Then, we cure the composite resin on the tooth with UV light.
  • Finishing Steps: Dr. Adelpour will gently polish the filled tooth to ensure that there are no sharp edges and that it feels as smooth as your natural teeth.

Connect with BLVD Dental for Composite Fillings in Mid-Wilshire Los Angeles, CA

Because composite fillings look so natural, they can help you smile proudly again. Learn more about our dental filling process by calling 310-620-8060 or messaging us online.